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Main Features
Fully editable & re-sizable
No plugins required
Style Icons: Outline, Dashes, Dashes Animation, Flat, Color, Gradient, Polygon, With Day and Night.
Dynamic Icons
Supports from version CS6+
Loop Icons 3 second
Duration: 2 Minutes each icon (looped)
Rendered AVI files included (500x500px Transparent BG)
Rendered GIF files included (500x500px Transparent BG)
Weather Forecast Templates
Essential Graphics Templates for Premiere Pro
Color Settings: for Outline Style
Stroke Settings: for Outline Style
Shadow Settings: for All Style
Change Icons Control layer is available
Fast rendering
Video Tutorial included
Simply drag & drop the comps into your project
New Updates Periodically
We will have project updates monthly, including new features and color schemes. All the updates will be available for download at no additional cost for a whole year for each purchase.
What would you like to add, change, or enhance within the project?
Coming Soon
This After Effect project will be available for other similar design software as well. It will be fully flexible and compatible.

List of icons
Mostly Sunny, Snow, Rain, Chance Rain, Unknown, Chance Sleet, Heavy Snow, Chance Storms, Cloudy, Storms, Sleet, Tornado, Rain Snow, Mostly Cloudy, Clear & Sunny, Heavy Rain, Fog, Hurricane, Chance Snow, Cold, Hot, Wind, Strong Wind, Warm, and many other useful icons.
For the first time get the whole package of the weather forecast template collection with weather icons pack.
More style variations available for each icon so that totally 282+ Icons!

Animated SVG Weather Icons Pack
Retina and Mobile ready.
SVG = WEB & HTML5 Standard format.
Recolor and redesign your graphics.
SVG is SEO friendly.
SVG has a very small size.
Loop Icons 3 second.
SVG is an Infinitely scalable vectorial graphic.
SVG files included (512x512px Transparent BG).
JSON files included (512x512px Transparent BG).
Compatible browsers: IE, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iOS Safari, Opera Mini, Android Browser, Blackberry Browser, Opera Mobile, Chrome for Android, Firefox for Android, IE Mobile, UC Browser for Android, Samsung Internet, QQ Browser, Baidu Browser, KaiOS Browser.
Pure CSS Animated Weather Icons.
All GIF, JSON and SVG files on Canva can be used

Is this an After Effects project ?
Yes, it is an After Effects project.
Is every new update will it be only for After Effects ?
No, it is for both, After Effects and Premiere Pro.
Can i add an icon individually to my project ?
Yes , you can add an icons individually to any of your After Effects projects.
Is this project based on an individual composition ?
Certainly, its based on multiple individual animated icons.
Can i adjust the colors of icons to any colors i want ?
Yes, you can adjust the whole color of the icon to any desired colors.